How Can Not Taking Things Personally Lift You Up?

Taking things personally is so easy to do!  We do it without even thinking of it!

When someone attacks us verbally, or makes comments about us to others, it is so easy to fall into the trap of taking it personally.

What does taking it personally mean?  It means that we make the comment about us, we put meaning to it that satisfies our need to be right, our need to be safe and our need to defend ourselves (thank you monkey mind).  When we take something personally we are assuming that we know what the other person meant and wanted us to feel.  But, can we ever know what someone else is truly thinking?  

Taking things personally, making it about us, is a great way to create drama, emotion and stress where there may not need to be any.  Let’s look at an example.

We hear someone say that “we are just in it for the money, we are gouging clients”.  Right away our hackles go up and we are ready for a fight.  But this only happens if we have taken it personally.  If we have allowed their comment to affect our belief in ourselves or affect how we believe others think about us.  

If you can allow that first flush of anger wash over you and through you and take a step back from it, you can see where maybe, the comment is a reflection of THAT person’s beliefs and practices, not yours.  Perhaps THAT person feels some sort of conflict about charging clients, their clients’ ability to afford them, their own finances and debt etc.

Or a client tells us that we don’t know what we are talking about, they found real info on Google.  If we take that comment personally then we are insulted, miffed, angry and that can spiral out of control over the days and weeks we keep replaying the comment in our head.  But what if, when they say that, we can allow it to wash over us and not land inside us? What if we can recognize that they are entitled to their belief about me, but it has nothing to do with me!  

I know myself, and I don’t need to take their opinion of me into consideration.  I can then end the appt with allowing them to go on their way, find another Vet they can feel better about and I can move on.  Not taking things personally also sometimes means that I have to let go of the need to be right and the need to be the right person for everyone.  

So I encourage all of you to practice taking a step back whenever you hear anything that flares your defensive, emotional muscles.  Take a breath. Ask yourself “ How could what I just heard have nothing to do with me?”  “What would I be like if I knew that others’ opinions do not matter to me?”

How would it feel to not react in anger the next time you are confronted?  Not taking things personally allows you to find a thought, a solution that makes sense to you instead of getting caught on an emotional merry go round that you cannot get off.  

It doesn’t mean that you are ignoring the situation.  It simply means that you have moved past the monkey mind induced negative emotions into the realm of self-care and finding solutions that allow you to feel better.

Please let me know how not taking things personally allows you to be more of the person you know you are.  How does your day flow when things roll more easily off your back?

You can contact me via or set up a personal free 1 on 1 chat about this by visiting my scheduling site.  And, as always, continue to be the wonderful, compassionate rock star badasses that I know you all are!

How Can You Keep Anger from Derailing Your Day?

I feel the need to speak out about a FB video that was posted recently by a veterinarian who I will not name here. She was distraught about the price of veterinary care and the effect that cost has on our clients and patients.

While I agree that this is an important topic, I feel that her approach was hurtful and disrespectful of her colleagues. Everyone in the field of veterinary medicine does the very best they can every day, day in and day out, despite the pain and suffering we see every day. We are not in it for the money, that’s for sure!  

I created this with the desire to help my colleagues who may have been hurt by the video.

Some things to think about as you watch the video are: What does anger feel like in your body? Can you respond to anger in a new way, and what would that look like to you? When you feel angry at someone, could you deal with it differently by acknowledging that there is an underlying cause of the anger?

You can watch the video and let me know how you answered any of the above questions by emailing me at or setting up a private 1 hr phone call by visiting my scheduling center. 

And please, as always, let everyone see the unique, compassionate person you are!


What if your beliefs are actually holding you back from more joy and abundance?

So what if beliefs that you have about yourself, the world, your profession, your love life are actually holding yourself back?  What if you could let go of a belief and see it allow space for a totally different, more enlightened, centered view to take hold?

Common beliefs that can hold us back involve having to be right, what kind of career we want and how we deserve to be treated.  Check out this video by Prince Ea:

Then let me know what belief you are willing to let go of to let more joy and abundance into your life.

And if you would like to explore letting go of beliefs that do not serve you, please visit my online scheduling center and set up a one on one personal call with me.