It’s Not Always About You!

Taking things personally is so easy to do!  We do it without even thinking of it!

When someone attacks us verbally, or makes comments about us to others, it is so easy to fall into the trap of taking it personally.

What does taking it personally mean?  It means that we make the comment about us, we put meaning to it that satisfies our need to be right, our need to be safe and our need to defend ourselves (thank you monkey-mind).  When we take something personally we are assuming that we know what the other person meant and wanted us to feel.

Taking things personally, making it about US, is a great way to create drama, emotion and stress where there may not need to be any.  Let’s look at an example.

We hear someone say that “we are just in it for the money.”  Right away our hackles go up and we are ready for a fight. But this only happens if we have taken it personally.  If we have allowed their comment to affect our belief in ourselves or affect how we believe others think about us. If you can allow that first flush of anger wash over and through you and take a step back from it, you can see that the comment is a reflection of THAT person’s beliefs, not yours.  Perhaps THAT person feels some sort of conflict about charging clients, their clients’ ability to afford them, their own finances and debt etc.

Or a client tells us that we don’t know what we are talking about, they found real info on Google.  If we take that comment personally then we are insulted and angry which can spiral out of control as we  re-play the comment in our head days and weeks later. But what if, when they say that, you can allow it to wash over you and not land inside?  What if you can recognize that they are entitled to their belief about you, but it has nothing to do with you!

Not taking things personally also sometimes means that I have to let go of the need to be right and the need to be the right person for everyone.  How often do you find yourself in a disagreement because you need to be right? What if both you and the other person can both be right?  Wow! Mind blown! Both of you can be right, and still not agree with each other.  This sort of realization is so liberating and allows for all kinds of expansion in your relationships at work and at home.  

So I encourage all of you to practice taking a step back whenever you hear anything that flares your defensive emotional muscles.  Take a breath. Ask yourself:

“Does what I just heard have anything to do with me?”
“What would I be like if I knew that others’ opinions do not matter to me?”

How would it feel to not react in anger the next time you are confronted? Not taking things personally keeps you from getting on an emotional merry-go-round that just keeps spinning.  

It doesn’t mean that you are ignoring the situation.  It simply means that you have moved past the monkey-mind induced negative emotions into the realm of self-care and finding solutions that allow you to feel better.

Please let me know how not taking things personally allows you to be more of the person you know you are.  How does your day flow when things roll more easily off your back?

You can contact me via or set up a personal free 1-on-1 chat about this by visiting my scheduling site.  And, as always, continue to be the wonderful, compassionate rock-star badasses that I know you are!  

Drop Your Bags at the Door

When I was young, maybe 7 or 8, my mom used to take me clothes shopping for school.  I remember going into the Colony Shop in the Altoona Mall and seeing all the beautiful dresses. I liked to walk around the displays with my eyes wide with all the colors, running my fingertips over the fabric and delighting in the ribbons and bows.  

I loved looking at the dresses and imagining myself in them. How I would walk, and twirl and dance in them! It was so much fun. Then I would get to try the dresses on, and oh how big and special I would feel as I took that first look into the mirror.  I would see myself in the perfect dress and feel like a princess. Everything was right with the world and then…

My Mom would look at me and say that it didn’t fit well enough and that we couldn’t purchase it.  She would fuss at the shoulders of the dress usually and say how it didn’t fit in the shoulders right and I couldn’t have the dress. This perfect dress. The one with the pink tulip buds on it, the one that had the pink and green sash and bow. The one with the perfectly pleated and flared skirt.  The one that my heart was set on.

My mom only wanted me to look my best.  That was important to her. She wasn’t being mean or cheap – in her way she was looking out for me. Unfortunately, she didn’t know what lesson I took away from that dress experience that was then repeated many times over.

What I heard was “you are not good enough for this dress.”  “Your shoulders are not the right size for this dress.” But I was in love with the dress.  I wanted the dress. It looked divine on me. Why couldn’t we just buy the dress and make my dreams come true?

Then it happened. The lie I began to live by was started by a seemingly trivial experience of buying a dress.  The lie I lived most of my life with began that day and was:

“Don’t want anything.  The minute you desire something, you won’t get it and you’ll be disappointed and that hurts way too much.  Just don’t want anything.”

That lie became a truth in my life.  I can see evidence everywhere of how I made that belief come true over and over again.  When our mind believes something it works very hard to create a reality that matches that belief. Over and over I would want something and see it disappear. It didn’t take long before, as a child, I stopped wanting things, I stopped dreaming of my future because I believed dreaming and wanting was the surest way of not getting it.

I tell you this story to illustrate the amazingly effective way our brains take events and create meaning and a code we live our life by.  

  • What events jump out at you when you recall your childhood?  
  • What story do you tell about yourself or the world based on that experience?
  • Are you willing to see the event as something different and rewrite your story and create a new way of moving through life?

My efforts are going to be placed on rewriting the belief that wanting something creates hurt.

What belief are you wanting to rewrite?

I know this isn’t directly related to veterinary medicine…or is it?  We are humans and we come to work every day with our beliefs firmly entrenched, for good or for bad.  We carry baggage into the office every day that affects how we experience our co-workers and clients.  I, for one, want to lessen the baggage, so that I am more fully present and healthy to do my job. The less I carry into work, the less I carry home.

What are your beliefs about clients?  Does death have to be devastating and sad?  Are you good enough? Smart enough?

What baggage are you ready to drop?

What Keeps You Up at Night?

I woke up last night at 2 am.  

This doesn’t usually happen to me.  I sleep really well. But there are things going on in my life and lots of changes on the horizon.  I’m stressed. When I woke up I was wide awake with my mind racing.

What if this…..   What if that…….. When should I……

Money issues, relationship issues, holiday issues, work issues………..

I couldn’t stop my mind from racing.  I felt physically worse as the minutes dragged by.  

I snuggled closer to my partner to feel loved and comforted as I listened to his breathing and felt his warmth. Nope!  It just infuriated me that he was sound asleep and probably enjoying a great dream. Instead of poking him to wake him up and be miserable with me, I went downstairs.

As I was walking down the hallway I gave myself permission to feel however I wanted to feel – scared, worried, frustrated.  That stopped the internal comments for a few seconds. “Huh,” they said, “it’s not that much fun when she doesn’t play along and get all worked up.”

Then I decided to play hard ball with the internal reel and I pulled out a couple of mantras and decided to drown out the negative with the positive.

“I am worthy of everything I desire”

“Money is love and it flows abundantly to me”

“I make decisions easily and enjoy the process”

I almost chuckled as I coached myself out of a rabbit hole of negativity.  The fears and doubts were silenced. I won’t say I was able to immediately go back to sleep, but I felt a whole lot more at ease as I snuggled back into bed next to my partner.

I share this so that you know exactly how these ideas I talk about can be used in real time, in real life. As I use them daily, I am able to change the direction of my thoughts pretty quickly at this point.

Tell me, what has kept you up at night?
What worries and fears are keeping you from living the life you deserve?

Set up a call or send me an email and we can investigate them together and get you back on track!