Hey Ego, Is That You Talking to Me?

We all want to feel like we know what we are doing.  Whether it is our diagnostic abilities, our venipuncture skills or our ability to communicate with clients … we all want to feel confident.  But does that come from the outside (environment and feedback) or the inside (our own innate knowledge)?

These thoughts are coming up for me as I start a new job after 13 yrs at the previous hospital.  Yikes! I have noticed thoughts like ‘I don’t really know what I am doing! They all know more than me! No one will like me! My people skills are poor!’,etc.  On-and-on I hear those voices in my head.  Why? Because I am doing something new and my ego doesn’t like it!  It liked the old job where I felt comfortable and knew the staff, the clients, and how things worked.

Now?  Now I don’t even know where the bathroom is without asking!  This uncertainty sets off all my ego warning bells loudly. ‘Just go back to where you were comfy.’  The ego’s job is to keep me safe–safe from being eaten by a bear, as well as it’s 21st century job, of threats of any changes.

Did you know that the ego will jump in, even when you have a new thought about yourself?  So many of us stay in situations that are not right for us and we don’t change, because at least it’s “the devil we know”.  As soon as we even have a brief thought about changing our life somehow the ego goes into overdrive showing us all the things that could happen if we did that. ‘DANGER Will Robinson, Danger!!!!  Don’t think that way. We don’t know how to do that safely.  We don’t know who we will be if we think that way. We won’t know who we are if we go over there and do that. We’ll lose friends.’ So, all too often, sadly, we don’t change.  We don’t change because it seems so difficult.

But the really cool thing is, the more you can give your ego a voice and realize it is just scaring you with the unknowable future misery that might befall you at some point if you “did” this thing, then it can actually become quieter.  Tell your ego you hear it and appreciate it, but you ARE going to do this thing because it is something you want to try. Yes, you might fail, but you fail for sure if you don’t even try. (Affirmations, tapping and mirror work are some tools to quiet the self protective ego.)  

So these last few weeks I have had many opportunities to practice what I preach.  I left a really great job because the hour commute had finally become exhausting. I have found the next opportunity and I know it will be a great thing as well BUT my ego has been throwing her full force at me.  She has said everything from ‘You are an imposter!’ to ‘You won’t fit in there.’ and saving the best for last, ‘No one will like you.’  It is amazing how quickly she can fill in any quiet time in my mind with scary thoughts aimed at keeping me safe and at my old job.

Where do you hear your ego talking to you?  Is it at the job – trying to convince you of imposter syndrome or that everyone hates you?  Is it in your wanting to feel better? Does it tell you things like ‘You are the shy one. You will never be popular. No one will ever love you.’?

When we can recognize these types of thoughts as those of the self protective ego’s work, then we have insight into how to quiet them.  We cannot allow ourselves to believe the ego’s messages unless it is warning us about hot stoves, or dangerous social situations etc. But when it is talking about future events that might happen, or if it is talking about how you view yourself, most likely it is incorrect.  

You are powerful beyond words and you are incredibly able and intelligent. And anyone, or anything that tells you otherwise, is lying.  

So, learn to hear those thoughts from your ego, but tell yourself the real truth and latch onto that truth.  These are skills that will take you from miserable and frustrated to happy and successful.

Because I feel so strongly about these issues, I am still offering a FREE one-on-one consultation call to get to know each other and outline the strengths that you already have on your side and your goals.  Then, if it feels good to us, you can sign up for a package of (8) weekly 60-minute calls that will guide you on creating the life that you want.

You will learn to see the events in your life as stepping stones, not barriers. You will see yourself as the strong, powerful, successful person that you are.

I believe in you. I believe in your strength and your wisdom!

A Valentine’s Day Wish for You

Unreasonable client demands
Untrue and Unrelenting social media rants by clients
Long and unpredictable hours
Inadequate support staff and poor wages

The list of stressors in our careers could go on! These are reasons that I hear so many of my colleagues talking about the need for boundaries, and I totally agree!  

But what kind of boundaries and where do they start?

I can try and educate the public til I am out of breath about their role in our high risk of suicide.  I can try and persuade them of our absolute desire to heal every animal that comes across our door at a reasonable fee.  But I may never change their opinions. The reality is that the only thing I can control are my own beliefs and those are the boundaries that need to be created and kept intact.

To create boundaries we need to focus inward, not outward.  What clients do or say is a direct result of my beliefs and assumptions.  How I react to their words or actions is MY choice. At some point you have to decide that YOU are in charge of your emotions, and that no one can make you feel something you don’t want to feel.  Now I don’t mean that we don’t feel sad or angry at times. I don’t mean to say that there are not angry people that come into our clinics. What I want to emphasize is that when you feel negative emotions, you benefit from examining what belief allowed you to feel them and then play with changing that belief.  

For example:  
A client is complaining to me in the exam room that our prices are too high and she can’t afford the bloodwork to diagnose the issue.  She is on a bit of a rant about it, actually.

I have many choices in how to respond EMOTIONALLY:  
I can get angry, embarrassed, ashamed, sad, righteous, empathetic, loving.

Which emotion I chose to feel is up to me, and is based on the beliefs I have when I hear her rant.

I might feel a negative emotion if:  
– I believe that she is demeaning my knowledge or trying to guilt me into a discount.
– I believe that my prices are too high or I shouldn’t need the blood work.
– I believe that she is on a fixed income and the last thing she needs is a sick animal.
– I believe ‘who the hell is she to tell me what she’ll pay for my services‘!

I might feel a positive emotion if:
– I believe her rant has nothing to do with me.
– I believe that she has issues in her life  that I may never know about which cause her to act out.
– I believe that I need the lab work to reinforce my knowledge from the exam.
– I believe that we are all part of the same higher power (God, Allah, Buddha) and I can see it in her even as she acts out.

Repetitive themes abound in our lives so that we have multiple chances to heal those wounds that have been created by believing lies about ourselves and the world.  

Beliefs about money, time, love and humanity are always showing up since they are the universal experiences.  How they show up is a reflection of what we believe about them.

Believe that humanity is cruel and uncaring, and that is what you will see.

Believe that money is hard to get or hard to hold onto and that is what will repeatedly be shown to you.

You are a powerful creator and thus the statement “self fulfilling prophecy”.  

You see what you expect to see.  I don’t mean that negative things won’t happen to you – they happen to all of us but when you are looking for the good, the joy and the abundance in life, more often than not you will see it. And the negative things that happen will be seen as chances to create a new belief, chances to move beyond a challenge, chances to love yourself even more.

All the negative emotions are self-protective, instinctual relics of our past.  We need them to navigate real dangers, but we often use them as protection against changing and growing our beliefs and perspectives.  When we can investigate why something made us angry – by looking internally – then we can diffuse the situation, adopt new beliefs that are born of our power, and the need to react to that scenario again will be dissolved.

Boundaries are a critically important part of self-care and they arise from within, from self love.  Look inward and heal yourself so that you can show up as the powerful, amazing superhero you are in both your work and your home life.   

That’s my Valentines Day wish for you. Love yourself enough to have boundaries that allow you to enjoy your career and your life.

I Think I Thought A Lie

Any thought you think that makes you feel bad – is a lie!

I have heard this statement said several times and I cannot improve upon it with more words, and so this blog is going to be very short.

I want you to really focus this week on what thoughts make you feel bad –angry, frustrated, sad, resentful – and find the lie in the thought.  

Shining a light on the lie is this first step to disproving the lie, and in its place creating a true statement to believe.

Every thought you think that makes you feel bad is a lie!

The only thing we are in control of in this life is our thoughts.  So if there is a thought that creates negative emotions for you (and we all have them all the time), it only has power over you if you believe it.  If you can see it for the lie it is, then you can believe the truth in the alternative thought.

A belief is simply a thought that has been thought often enough that it is taken as a fact.

Say something to yourself often enough and you will start to believe it.

Any thought that creates negative emotions is a lie.  As Linda Kohanov says in Way of the Horse “Emotions weren’t created to torture us, but to protect and inform us.  They only hang around and intensify if we persist in ignoring the wisdom they represent.”

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become aware of  your thoughts and the accompanying emotion. That’s it! Be aware…

The extra credit step for those over-achievers reading this (and I know most of my audience are!) is to FIND THE LIE in any thought that creates a negative emotion and FIND A TRUE STATEMENT to take its place.  Say that true statement to yourself as many times as you say the lie, and you will be on the path to a better day. In this way we are not pushing away or ignoring the negative thought, but we are investigating how to create a more true statement to take its place, one that allows us to feel a more enjoyable emotion.  

I love hearing from you so let me know how the assignment is going for you. Email me at Pamela@HealThyselfDVM.com !