Until Next Time…

Today is the last blog I will write for awhile. 

I have been doing weekly blogs or videos for about 3 yrs now. I have been through many life changes during that time, and have learned and grown a lot

I have written blogs at the last minute and I have had them ready to go weeks in advance. I have been disappointed when no one commented and I have been soothed, knowing that my words may have comforted or nudged someone into action, even without me knowing.

You see, this project was borne out of my desire to help my colleagues navigate the emotional toll of this profession.  It came at a time when there was no acknowledgement that there is a real issue with our profession and our mental health.  I wanted to change that.

I believe that my words helped, in a cosmic energetic way, to bring light to this subject.

I know that this blog has helped me heal, learn more about myself and truly ground my beliefs into an unshakable faith in myself.  

I hope this blog has helped you navigate your days, as well, whether in the profession or not.  We are all humans, and we deal with the same core issues – wanting to be happy, healthy and fulfilled.

For now, then, it is goodbye, but it is because other things are calling my attention.  It is a really exciting time for me and I see others stepping up to the plate to continue the discussion!  They may not use my words, but for now, my job of using my voice to make the profession and the world a better place is done in this venue.

I am not going away forever. I will still post when I have something to say, I will not stay silent if I know there is something worth saying.

Thank you for giving me your most valuable asset, your time, and reacting, sharing and commenting on my posts.  I am truly blessed to have had this opportunity.

To those who are in my inner circle on this adventure –Jana, Teri and Lena -thank you for your unwavering support and expertise.  I could not have created Heal ThySELF, DVM as easily as I did without you.

To everyone reading this I have one last request:  Please take the time to take care of yourself. We give so much to others that we must fiercely refill our cups so that we don’t run on empty.  Love yourself, love your family and friends and love your job. Love allows for sustainability.

Till next time, remember that even if you do not believe it today:
YOU are a rockstar and an amazing, unique individual who is needed and loved by many.


Are You Picking Up the Wrong Poop?

Picking up after our dogs is unconditional love, for sure!

Just a really quick reminder today:
We choose whether to pick up other people’s emotional poop!

Picking up and taking on other people’s emotional poop is NOT your job.  Just leave it at your feet and walk on by!

Have a great day and choose wisely what you pick up and carry with you.

Count Your Blessings

This week, for me, has been all about seeing the blessings in my life. 

I have been taking the time to notice things like:
~ the string of green lights I hit as I drive
~ the compliment I received
~ a text from a friend that makes me smile

These are gifts from the Universe to let me know I am loved and supported.  

When I spend my day looking for the blessings, I can’t take time to be caught up in the drama or the frustrations of the day. When you notice the blessings, the momentum starts to swing that direction and it gets increasingly easier to stay in that place of gratitude.

When I was first introduced to this idea of seeing the little things that go my way, I was VERY skeptical on several levels.  First, I didn’t believe anything went my way; and second, I felt really silly for believing this exercise could change my day.

But I have to say, I was WRONG on both counts!  You experience countless little blessings every day, and by noticing them, your day can change from frustrating to smooth and flowing.  It can feel contrived at first for sure, but after awhile it becomes second nature.

I like to think of the blessings as winks and nods from the Universe that I am loved and supported, even when I may be doubting that very idea.

Give it a try!  Look for the small blessings in your day when you need a pick me up or when you are feeling stressed.  There are countless ways you are supported in this life, and acknowledging the everyday blessings allows you to realign yourself with the amazing person you really are and the gifts that you bring to the table.